“Mice seem to reap cognitive benefits from cellphone electromagnetism.” Source of caption and photo: online version of the WSJ article quoted and cited below.
(p. D4) Alzheimer’s and Cell Phones: Radiation associated with long-term cellphone use appears to protect against and reverse Alzheimer’s-like symptoms in mice, according to a study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. Mice genetically engineered to develop brain impairments similar to Alzheimer’s in humans were divided into two groups. One group was exposed twice daily to hour-long electromagnetic fields akin to those created during cellphone use. Mice in the other group were not exposed to the radiation. After seven months, young mice in the first group fared significantly better on cognitive tests than their unexposed littermates. Older mice, which had already developed symptoms of Alzheimer’s, exposed to the radiation for eight months in a subsequent experiment also performed better than older nonexposed mice. Mice, younger and older, not engineered to develop Alzheimer’s also appeared to benefit from the radiation. Biopsies suggested such exposure might fight Alzheimer’s by inhibiting the buildup of certain protein plaques in the brain, the researchers said.
For the full story, see:
JEREMY SINGER-VINE. “RESEARCH REPORT; NEW MEDICAL FINDINGS; Cellphone Radiation Aids Sick Mice.” The Wall Street Journal (Tues., JANUARY 12, 2010): D4.