Paying for Congestion “with Time, Unreliability, Psychological Hell”

TrafficCostsGraph.gif   Source of graphic:  online version of the WSJ article cited below.


Congestion pricing "is a lot cheaper than the way we’re paying now … with time, unreliability, psychological hell," said Tyler Duvall, DOT’s assistant secretary for policy.

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Even a 5% reduction in traffic jams can increase traffic speeds by as much as 50%, says Mr. Duvall. DOT officials figure a typical big-city traffic jam can be cleared with tolls of as little as $2 to $2.50 a day, if all lanes on a big highway are charged. But on some Southern California highways where fees are charged only for the former high-occupancy lanes, prices at the peak of rush hour have reached $8.50.

Congestion pricing has already taken hold in Europe, and the success of a congestion pricing system for London’s roads three years ago motivated U.S. officials and major businesses to consider the idea. Voters in Stockholm approved a similar plan in September, after a test run during the summer.


For the full story, see: 

JOHN D. MCKINNON.  "Bush Plays Traffic Cop in Budget Request; President Suggests ‘Congestion’ Tolls To Ease Rush Hour."  The Wall Street Journal  (Mon., February 5, 2007):  A6.

(Note:  the ellipsis in the Duvall quote was in the original; the other ellipsis was added.)



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