(p. A16) Senator Ben Nelson, Democrat of Nebraska, has been under fire in recent days for winning some plum provisions for his home state in exchange for voting for his party’s big health care legislation.
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In perhaps the most pointed criticism yet, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California, in his State of the State address on Wednesday, said: “California’s Congressional delegation should either vote against this bill that is a disaster for California or get in there and fight for the same sweetheart deal Senator Nelson of Nebraska got for the Cornhusker State. He got the corn; we got the husk.”
For the full story, see:
DAVID M. HERSZENHORN. “Prescriptions; Making Sense of the Health Care Debate; Spreading the Golden Corn.” The New York Times (Fri., January 8, 2010): A16.
(Note: the online version of the story had the very different title: “Prescriptions; Making Sense of the Health Care Debate; Nelson to Fight for All States” and had the date January 7, 2010.”)
(Note: ellipsis added.)