Homo Sapiens Arrived in Europe at Least 41,000 Years Ago

(p. D6) . . . , research reported last week in the journal Science adds heft to recent findings that the first modern human migrants arrived earlier than previously thought, perhaps at least 43,000 to 45,000 years ago.
Two teeth found in separate archaeological sites in Italy appeared to tell the tale of the early effect of Homo sapiens in southern Europe. The teeth were those of modern humans who lived 41,000 years ago, scientists concluded. This seemed to settle a longstanding debate over whether the sharp stone blades and ornaments uncovered at the sites belonged to modern humans or Neanderthals.

For the full story, see:
JOHN NOBLE WILFORD. “Teeth Tell of Earlier Trek to Europe by Humans.” The New York Times (Tues., April 28, 2015): D6.
(Note: ellipsis in original.)
(Note: the online version of the story has the date APRIL 27, 2015, and has the title “Teeth Tell of Earlier Trek to Europe by Humans.”)

The academic article summarized above, is:
Benazzi, S., V. Slon, S. Talamo, F. Negrino, M. Peresani, S. E. Bailey, S. Sawyer, D. Panetta, G. Vicino, E. Starnini, M. A. Mannino, P. A. Salvadori, M. Meyer, S. Pääbo, and J. J. Hublin. “The Makers of the Protoaurignacian and Implications for Neandertal Extinction.” Science 348, no. 6236 (May 15, 2015): 793-96.

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