Founder Title Gives Dorsey “the Leeway to Make Significant Changes”

(p. B1) Twitter Inc. is handing the chief executive reins back to Jack Dorsey, entrusting its founding architect to reassure investors and revive the social-media service’s sagging user growth.
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(p. B10) Company insiders say there was nothing interim about the way Mr. Dorsey carried himself since July 1, when Dick Costolo stepped down as CEO. He initiated debates about fundamental product features, including Twitter’s trademark 140-character limit per tweet. He frequently sends companywide emails late at night, which include news stories that highlight Twitter’s value in the world. These messages and his close involvement have shifted the tone and boosted morale, according to these people.
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His reputation as a product visionary will be tested as he tackles his priority: to figure out how to make Twitter easy enough to use by anyone. More than his product ideas, however, Mr. Currie endorsed Mr. Dorsey’s leadership skills as the reason the board decided to bring him back on a permanent basis.
In the eyes of employees and users, the founder title gives him the leeway to make significant changes that weren’t afforded by Mr. Costolo.

For the full story, see:

YOREE KOH. “Dorsey Is CEO of Twitter Once Again.” The Wall Street Journal (Tues., Oct. 6, 2015): B1 & B10.

(Note: ellipses added.)
(Note: the online version of the article has the date Oct. 5, 2015, and has the title “Twitter Names Co-Founder Jack Dorsey CEO.”)

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